January 8th 2022 Results
Mother nature smiled down on us today with some excellent weather!
Congratulations to all our winners today! What a fun time. Boyd Linder scored 466.2 to grab top spot in Open class with Alberto and Spencer right behind! Nathan Revo’s 310.0 squeaked by Conner Vanskiver’s 303 for First and Second in Base Class. Stephanie Baxter took home top spot in Ladies with Kelly and Kristin rounding out second and third. Harley put on a show with her 381.1 in Young Guns for 1st place (and 12th place overall), Kaylyn was right behind with 306 and Riker pulled 3rd. Old Guns is owned by Carey Palmer and 330.5, followed by Brent Baxter who brought home second. Air guns are awesome and Josh showed just how good they are with his 385 and first place finish. Dylan was right behind with 363 and Adam got 3rd with 235.1.
I am so thankful for all our competitors coming out to support our club and have some fun. I really appreciate all of you. Be sure to ask Jared about his “double spinner” setup, what a blast that was. We need to incorporate that one for sure.
Link to scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sIy-UYOSujf4uNmvZN997Brxp_vbmBWuAjxLyeSOqik/edit#gid=229538711