Sign up for our February 8th match here!

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Desert Tech LLC

A Wind Of Change Kites

Next Shot Precision

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Exciting, Challenging and Fun!

Anyone can participate!

We welcome shooters of all skill levels from first time beginners to experienced competitors, including women shooters, Air Rifles, Old Guns, and especially Young Guns. No matter your age or skill level, you will have fun and make memories to last a lifetime.

What you need to get started

Challenging fun with a friendly family atmosphere

Always something new

Every month, a new and exciting course of fire is designed to challenge your skills in a fun and unique way.


22LR is one of the most affordable rifles to own and shoot. Good quality ammunition can be found for around $5 per box of 50. Usually 2 boxes per shooter is all you need for an entire match.

Earn points, track your progress

Scores are recorded every match. Top shooters earn awards at the end of each season. The more matches you compete in, the higher your season score.

Improve your skills

Many centerfire competitors love the NRL22 as an inexpensive alternative to improve their skills for PRS and Hunter competitions.

Family Memories

NRL22 is the perfect way to bond with your kids in a sport that gets them away from the X-box and phones. Make memories that will last a lifetime while giving valuable experience with firearm safety and competitions.

There's even more

Become a member of the NRL22 league. Membership gets access to NRL22X matches, Nationals and monthly prize drawings. NRL22 membership is not required to shoot in our local monthly matches. Check out for more info.


Our members are having a ton of fun!

Most fun I have ever had! NRL22 was my first time ever with any competitive shooting and I am hooked! Can't wait for my next match, SHOOTER IS READY!

MIcha Rollum

Base Class

I qualified for Nationals this year and had sooo much fun. I have been competing for about a year and a half now and it is awesome. Best thing is when I out score my dad!

Kaylyn Kingston

Young Guns

I never thought I would be a competitive shooter. I am so glad I took the plunge and gave it a try. Its amazing fun and challenging too. I am not the best (yet) but I outshoot a lot of the guys. Don't chicken out, you got this girl! Come shoot with me and show those boys that girls can shoot!

Megan Diehl

Ladies Class

Welcome! I am the Match Director for the club. I want to welcome everyone out to a fun time.

Kent Kingston

Open Class