June 10th, 2023 Match Results

Our club’s second season is in the books and a brand-new season has emerged with a bang! We hosted 94 of the most awesome shooters ever for our season finale. We had shooters from all over the state and even some new friends from South Africa join us for this amazing event. We distributed trophies to our season winners, handed out over $24,000.00 in prizes, kicked off this next year’s season, had an amazing traditional American lunch with burgers, hot dogs, chips, corn, and watermelon and, afterwards hosted an exciting drag race – 22LR style! We had 18 brand new shooters this month which Is awesome! They all said it was the best time they have ever had and will be back.

First, I want to extend a HUGE congratulations to our 2022-2023 season winners:

Open Class: Jared Howel, 1st place. David Civello, 2nd place and Jordan Baugh, 3rd place.

Base Class: David Robers, 1st place. Cody Covert, 2nd place and Brian Critchlow, 3rd place.

Ladies Class: Stephanie Baxter, 1st place, Koyuki Civello, 2nd place and Darcy Bangerter, 3rd place.

Young Guns: Easton Baugh, 1st place. Kaylyn Kingston, 2nd place and Kelden Kingston, 3rd place.

Air Rifle: Dylan Whittier, 1st place. Matt Stajduhar, 2nd place and Joshua Warren, 3rd place.

Old Guns: Carey Palmer, 1st place. Alan Robertson, 2nd place and Brent Baxter, 3rd place.

Our match this month consisted of 94 competitors, 10 squads, and 5 NRL22 stages. As usual, it came down to the wire for almost every class with the best of the best fighting for every second and every impact to see who would take that top spot. In Open Class, David Civello was crowned king, but he had to work for those 16 extra seconds to edge out Terry Diston. David earned 515.4 for gold while Terry earned 513.8 for silver. Both shooters only dropped 3 shots for the entire match, and it came down to the timed stage for a win. Chris Baxter sneaks out an extra 7 seconds to win 3rd place over Levi Cress. Chris earned 493.2 to Levi’s 492.5. Our top 10 shooters were only separated by 4 impacts! That’s some serious competition!

Base Class also came down to 1 impact where David Roberts earned 1st place gold with 382.0 points. Brad Kalmar takes 2nd place with 370.6. Brad’s son, Colton Kalmar earned 322.7 for that bronze medal, just 27 seconds ahead of Mason Brady’s 320.0. Great job base class shooters.

Ladies Class was dominated by our season winner Stephanie Baxter, scoring 481.3, earning 1st place in Ladies but also placing 6th place overall for the match! Stephanie only dropped 6 shots total! WTG Stephanie. 2nd place also came down to the wire with Louise Hoth earning 1 more impact over Darcy Bangerter to get Silver. Louise scored 380.0 to Darcy’s 370.1.

Air Rifle was amazing today with 15 shooters competing for that top spot. Matt Stajduhar comes out on top with an amazing 432.2. Gehard Stabbert flew in all the way from South Africa and scores 2nd place with an impressive 411.8. Dusty Powers brings home 3rd with his 391.3. Special thank you to Utah Airguns for bringing out Gehard and Brayden who are here for RMAC next weekend. It was a wonderful experience meeting both of you and we hope to see you again soon! Best of luck goes out to all our Airgunners who will be competing in RMAC next weekend! We know you will represent Utah shooters well!

Old Guns is a continual battle with our top 3 podium winners picking up right where they left off last season. Cary Palmer (#1 2022-2023) takes 1st place with 451.5. Brent Baxter (#3 2022-2023) sneaks in to take 2nd place with 411.8 and 3rd place goes to Scott Robertson (#2 2022-2023). I can see this battle continuing for this entire next season…and possibly longer. This is a “must watch” scenario for sure!

Young Guns was dominated by Kaylyn Kingston, scoring 432.2 points for 1st place, this also placed her 18th overall! She better be watching her six though, because the next two shooters are turning heads with their 2nd and 3rd place finishes in their first match! Ryler Covert barely snuck ahead of Hudson Hughes by 10 seconds on the clock. Ryler earned an amazing 341.0 points and a silver dog tag to Hudson’s 340.0 for bronze! These Young Guns are amazing shooters and if they keep this up, future champions!

Drag Racing was suggested by Dylan Whittier, and we were able to make it a reality. What a super fun event! Two lanes, 5 targets, 5 positions, unlimited ammo, unlimited time, 5 impacts. 32 competitors with their rimfire hot rods take it to the starting line to see who will go home a winner and who will pack it away and become a spectator. Everyone was able to test their skills and the final 4 saw heads-up matches between Matt Stajduhar vs. Luke Neblesick, and Bert McCourt vs. Tyler Covert. Bert McCourt wins his semi-final round to match up against Luke Neblesick who put Matt in the stands. The final round came down to seconds with Luke in the lead for most of the race but Bert catches and passes Luke on the very last target, ringing finish line steel just milliseconds ahead taking home the overall win and $220 in cash.

Congrats Bert on an awesome finish and to all the competitors for a great time.

Thank you everyone who came to our event. This is unofficially the largest monthly match ever held in the NRL22 league. It is definitely the largest match I have ever held, and it would not have been possible without the help from all of you with your willingness to help set up and take down targets, to help with running each stage and bringing new shooters. I want to extend a special thanks to Carey Palmer for loaning the extra targets needed for the match, Jared Howell for the coolers, Jeromy Camp for the extra BBQ Grills and Kevin Young & family for the help cooking. Lastly, I want to thank my wife Daelyn Kingston for helping with all the food shopping, preparation, cooking and serving for our event but mostly for her unconditional support in me to run these matches. Thanks again everyone, see you next month!

Link to all scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gw_Qk6rOplf7lWOjmk9007jwztugMd7hstJ6i8TzSBU/edit#gid=810556831

Link to Drag Race Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ytizGoej_YaE6FyW7RsSD-_ScHT0X3CD7WJPZ-aKvTk/edit#gid=0